Tuesday, June 26, 2012

You can kid the world, but not your sister.

I like spending time with my sister. It has been 2 years since she left Brunei to further her studies in KL and it's nice to know that she's around. With me working a 9 to 5 job, she is always there to take care of Louie and occasionally cook dinner for Andrew and I.

I have to admit, I do have some sort of sister complex with Elaine. For instance, both of us will try not to make any plans during weekends cause that's the only time where we can have our cheat meals and just be around each other. Clingy much? But I don't care! :P

Our conversations can be of anything. Of the weather. Of her uni life. Of my job.. anything.

There's one story which Elaine finds it amusing to tell the people around us whenever we hang out and it goes something like this: 

"My sister was a grumpy child. When she was a teenager, she hardly talks to ANYBODY and she never smiles. She used to come home from school and spends her afternoon sleeping. My friends were always scared of my sister cause she frowns all the time."

HAHAHA. It was kinda true, I have to admit. I was grumpy.. and I didn't know why. I took everything seriously & I used to think my parents were naggy & annoying. But about the frowning part, I beg to differ! You see, I'm a stubborn child and by that, it means that I despise wearing glasses though I have a terrible eye sight. WHICH, in my defense, is the reason why I frown...well, not exactly frowning, but squinting so I could see better. So ha! I do not frown, Elaine, I squint and occasionally glare.

I do love my sister. After all, she's my only baby sister. If I don't spoil her, who will? :)

Anywayyyyy, if I were given a chance to be any animal, I will definitely be a bull. I'll knock those bad boys with my horns and I will be able to detect fear with my sharp vision! And with stubborn as my personality trait, I'll be undefeatable!! Oh well, I guess I'm a Taurus for a reason, right? Hehe!

Can't wait to catch Spiderman in the cinema! I think I'll be able to defeat him. Pffft. That cob webbed creature is going down! *flares nose*